Pickup and media
The following is a selection of my appearances on international media and global pickup on recent stories.
Media appearances
BBC World service appearance: Uighur 'forced labour', an Italian protest song and Chinese TikTok, July 2020
Free Press Unlimited, interview: Georgian partner Coda Story wins European Press Prize, June 2020
Are We Europe, visual podcast appearance: The Uyghur Women Fighting China’s Surveillance State, June 2020
BBC World Service appearance, from 18:00: Politicians are wearing ‘virus blockers’ to protect themselves from Covid-19, May 2020
BBC World Service appearance, from 01:00: US and Russia trade counter claims over start of coronavirus, May 2020
Radio Free Asia Uyghur service appearance: China's oppression of Xinjiang's Uyghurs, April 2020
Sirius XM appearance: Inside China’s Massive Surveillance Operation, May 2019
Selected pick-up
Channel 4 News: Uyghurs bussed across China for forced labour in factories – new footage, July 2020
Business Insider: For years, Russia targeted conspiracy theories at a US-funded lab on the frontline of coronavirus testing, March 2020
​The Washington Post: Instagram faces backlash for removing posts supporting Soleimani, January 2020
CNN: Instagram says it's removing posts supporting Soleimani to comply with US sanctions, January 2020
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Iranian Tech Users Are Getting Knocked Off the Web by Ambiguous Sanctions, January 2020
Daily Mail: Instagram is removing posts supporting slain Iranian General Soleimani, January 2020
Vice News: How Instagram and GoFundMe Got Tangled Up in U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, January 2020
The Verge: Platforms don’t know how to handle Iran sanctions, January 2020
Poynter: Anti-vaxxers adopt new manipulation tactics to spread misinformation, December 2019
Insider: Instagram banned anti-vaccine messaging, but anti-vaxxers are hijacking pro-choice hashtags to game the system, December 2019 ​
​China Digital Times: TikTok: Censorship and Xinjiang in “The last sunny corner on the internet, September 2019